Monday, August 4, 2008

Words of wisom from Jim Traficant

"Kick them in the crotch."


Raymond I. Schuck said...

The "Congressional Booger Eater"
link that comes up as an option after the Traficant clip is excellent!

Anonymous said...

Different subject...

There is always graffiti in a public restroom.

Most of the time you can ignore it.
Most of the time it is silly if you glance at it and absorb it.
Most of the time it is written or scrawled.

While attending a movie at the Findlay Mall (the cheap theater) I went in the bathroom and noticed something. Stamped in ink, not written, on the stall, repeatedly, was COMMMUNISM IS JEWISH. What a stupid and wrong statement.
The fact that someone is walking around with such an ink stamp in what is a fairly nice, if run down, theater, in a good mall, in a good community is a little strange.
Their appears to be some organization to the effort. A stamp shows intent, not random scrawling. Also, it is a ridiculous statement.
Eventually the message will be painted over. But the person, no matter how stupid or wrong, that stamped it is still wandering around attempting to spread a facist and false view of the world with the stamp and whatever else.

Graffiti is not a totally inane form of communication, even bathroom graffiti.
