Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You know what?

I haven't posted much here lately, have I?

But, this is pretty interesting, eh? It justifies Gary Burbank's joke about conservative talk radio hosts being, "Angry white guys."
As someone who used to listen to a lot of talk radio, I have noticed the change. It no fun to listen to hour after hour of angry people saying unreasonable things to justify their advertising rates and ratings books.
You what the sad thing is? Despite the obvious extremism that pops up on talk radio, there are still listeners out there who think that (insert host here) has all the answers.
Good radio does not equal good legislation. Good radio stirs conversation, so it benefits the host to take up an extreme position from which to argue. Remember that even the famous "Contract with America" was passed with a Republican-dominated Congress and a Democratic president.

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