Monday, April 19, 2010

Do you have to be smart to be an NFL player?

Here's a link to a story about this year's Wonderlic test, the one used to grade how smart NFL hopefuls are. Presented in honor of the NFL draft, currently being hyped, but starting Thursday evening on your television window to the world.
Here's another version of the same story.
Here's a more complete version from the Washington Post, if you are still interested enough to be reading this. And, if you are, thanks!
However, here's a story that says the Wonderlic test doesn't really measure future NFL success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Indians are winning, The Cavs are heading to a championship, and the Browns have a bunch of draft picks. How great is that?

As to the test, I think films of players playing the game, speed and strength drills, and player interviews are how a player is chosen. How they practice and play is how they make the team.
Character and morals should count, too.
