Sal the Sanitation Bear (He's the one in the orange vest.) shows up in various interstitial bits on "Nick Junior."
We don't really learn much about him except that he is heavily into recycling. He also drives a garbage truck, but somehow stays remarkably clean.
We also know he has a full collection of "Gnomes on Ice" commemorative glasses, which he completed when he convinced Moose A. Moose not to throw away the last glass missing from his set. Moose was going to recycle his old glass because he didn't want it anymore, but Sal convinced him to re-use it, instead.
(Do you suppose Sal used Moose's generosity to make a killing selling the whole set on eBay? He doesn't seem the sort, but you never know.)
What does Sal teach us about life?
Well, he shows us we should sort our recyclables correctly.
He also shows us that some people collect strange things. Like, say, comic books.
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