Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Paul and Storm are funny

There once was a comedy band called DaVinci's Notebook, but, alas as many good things do, it went the way of the dodo. (No, not hunted to extinction, but you get the idea.)

From the remains of this four-man group came the duo Paul and Storm, who sing very funny songs like, "Barry Bonds Press Conference -- The Musical," "Other Places Jimmy Hoffa Isn't" and "If They Might Be Giants Were The Ice Cream Man." (If you can find "George Mason," or "Epitets," these are funny, but contain some coarse language, which of course will make some people scurry to hear them first.)

They feature various songs on their Web site, and appear occasionally on "The Bob And Tom Show."

I shall not start a poll, because there's no doubt in my mind that they are funny. And, unlike many other bands these days they a. Can sing, and b. write very clever lyrics. Here's a listing, for the curious.

What I shall try to do is make a note of anything Paul And Storm related I can find and post it here. Maybe one of these days, I'll be able to see them live.

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