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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Play Dough with teeth?

The best bad dream ever:
Izzy, 3, came crying into our bedroom this morning at about 5 a.m.
When Hallie picked her up and asked what was wrong, she said, "I had a bad dream!"
Naturally, Hallie asked her what he dream was about.
"I dreamed I was playing with my Play-Dough and it grew teeth and tried to bite me!" she said, crying.
Hallie took Izzy back to bed, and she fell back asleep with no more dreams of masticating Play Dough.
What caused this dream? Yesterday, I watched the following video, with the Sweedish Chef making some dough.
I am not sure if Izzy watched it over my shoulder or not.
Could her dream have been just a coincidence?

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