Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Closing out the closer

Jow Borowski got put on the disabled list after blowing two saves with a fastball that topped out at something like 83 miles per hour.

I am surprised that Indians even brought him back this year. He did lead the league in saves last year, but was pretty dicey most of the time. I'd have had serious reservations had I been the manager and had to use him to protect a one-run lead in the playoffs. Better perhaps that they sign someone or trade for a closer to replace him.

I don't know who the Indians should turn to as the closer now, though. Rafael Betancourt has been such a god set up guy I'd hate to lose him in that role. The other pitchers in the bullpen are all untested as closers.

I wonder if the Cubs would consider a trade for former Indian Bobby Howry, who lost a chance at the closer's job to Kerry Wood?

1 comment:

Jefferson Wolfe said...

Whoever voted for Jose Mesa -- you aren't funny.