Thursday, April 24, 2008

Plastic surgery is yucky

Here's a story about plastic surgery that ... well I don't know what it does, really. Here's the main point:

"But is all this really making us look younger? Or just weirder?"

What's disturbing is the slide show included with the article about the stars who have had plastic surgery and what they look like.

If plastic surgery made a person look younger and more attractive, I'd say it was a good thing. But all too often, even stars who have the money to pay for expensive doctors and procedures don't look better. They just look freakish.

What's disturbing about it is these same people keep going back and back and back for more as if they honestly think they look better. Most of the time, they don't. Most of the time they look worse with each new procedure.

Collagen lips and cheek implants and eye lifts don't look natural to me. I get the idea, but it just doesn't work.

Look at the slide show and see Wayne Newton. He barely looks like a person, much less like Wayne Newton. If I was a little kid, and he started talking to me at the store or something, I'd probably be so creeped out, I'd cry.

For what it's worth, I think a person is supposed to age. You are not supposed to look the same at 50 as you did at 40 or 30 or 20. There's nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong with looking the way some of the people in the slide show look. It's not natural, and may not even be human.

One the other hand, there's another interesting interactive slide show with the article. It tells you what's supposed to happen to you as your body ages.

I say, with diet and exercise, and good genetics, a person can look best without collagen, botox or surgery. It might not be the same best as at a younger age, but that's OK.

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