Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Something to make you shudder

One of the more horrifying things I have read in my life is in this article, in which a woman describes her ‘escape’ from polygamy. She left the same sect that 534 women and children were freed from in Texas.

The worst part:

The 40-year-old Jessop was 18 when she was forced to marry Merril Jessop, who is said to have taken over leadership of the sect when Jeffs went to prison. ...
“The method he would use with infants was a form of water torture,” Jessop said of her former husband. “He would spank the baby until it was screaming out of control, and then he would hold the baby faceup under a tap of running water so it couldn’t breathe. He would do this repeatedly. Sometimes, it would go on for an hour, until the baby was so exhausted it couldn’t cry anymore. This method he called ‘breaking them."

Is there anything more unthinkably sick that that? It's essentially waterboarding babies. There are some things people do I can't understand, and my brain revolts at the thought. Waterboarding babies is one of them. How on earth could a person do this, and how, no matter how beaten down and intimidated into submission, would someone else have to be to stand by and let it happen?

The story doesn't say (although that one passage was so disturbing that I can't honestly say I read the rest with a clear head) what happened to her former husband.

My first reaction was the someone should spank him so hard he can't stop screaming and hold his head underwater. But that's just looking for revenge.

More suitable, I think, that he be allowed to rot in jail. The message should be this: We could have done to him what he did to others, but we choose not to. I'd rather he spend the rest of his life thinking about what he did and how far it separates him from every other human being on the planet.

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