By now, both of you reading this site have probably noticed the light posting.
All I can say is: If I were you, I'd think twice about installing Windows XP Service Pack 3
no matter what your computer tells you. I, of course, listened to my computer and did what it said. Three times. And guess what happened?
SP 3 crashed my computer
three times. Usually, when Windows tells you to do something, you should do it. I subscribe to this theory because I know about as much about how computers actually work as I do about, say, plumbing. Therefore, I figure that whatever the system says is best probably is.
I did a little research on the Internet, and it seems I am not the only one who had trouble with SP 3. You can examine the Google search
here. On top of that, when I did get everything fixed, the updates to SP 2 wouldn't install, so I had a list of things called "priority updates," and "security updates" that I could see and download, but when I tired to install them, the computer said something like "A problem with your computer prevented these updates from installing." Nothing specific, no link to follow for help, there was only that message.
Here's an article that tells about what is happening and how it may be fixed. Nothing worked for me, though.
What did I do? After the third SP 3 crash, I let Windows do it own thing, without going to the Windows updater Web site. So far, it has done pretty well, finding and installing some of the updates that were listed in my previous tries. There were something like 84 updates, and so far Windows has found and installed maybe half of those.
Far be it from me to say bad things about Windows and Microsoft, seeing as how I have used them both for far longer than I care to admit. However, this little episode has made me think seriously about getting a Macintosh for my next computer. Fewer virus problems, fewer problems in general, or so I understand.
Technology is wonderful, but only when it works.