Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scientific advancement or certain doom?

This is an interesting story about scientists arguing about ... oh heck, just go see.
The story reads, "Will the Large Hadron Collider save the world, or destroy it?" Sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, but it's real.
And, if it gets used, there may be a black hole coming to a neighborhood near you!


Anonymous said...

when i saw this the first i thought was certain doom. how about building some nuclear power plants with some material from our nuclear weapons. drill for oil and set aside more parkland. a five percent tax on industry and business energy use to invest in alternative energy. a retail sales tax to place businesses within a half mile of everyone in urban areas. of course all of this is moot because those fools in geneva will suck the earth down black holes.

Anonymous said...

in other news . . . local in fact . . . among other companies a livonia, michigan company sold sex selection tests in india advertised on yahoo, google, and microsoft search engines. choosing the sex of a child is illegal in india. the story appeared on where did these sales and medical people learn about the world? math and science education indeed.