Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely may have done the best Superman book in years when they did "All Star Superman." It's Batman companion, "All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder," by Frank Miler and Jim Lee, well, wasn't the best Batman book in years.
(In fact, it was recently collected in a hardcover edition, leading me to wonder who would pay $25 for that? It's one of the few times I didn't think Frank Miller did not live up to his past accomplishments. Ignore the hyped advertising copy on that link. If you are really interested, wait for the paperback to show up at a used bookstore. You'll almost get what you pay for. Seriously, though, there were a few good moments in the book. But overall, it wasn't what I hoped for. It also failed repeatedly to ship on time and there were huge breaks between issues.)
So, Morison and Quitely have taken their chop on the Dynamic Duo, "Batman and Robin." That link also has a few gorgeous preview pages for you to look at.
I am going to buy it tomorrow.
If it's half as good as the Superman version, you probably should, too.
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