Saturday, June 27, 2009

No more Yankees

Attention networks: I shall no longer watch a baseball game on TV if the Yankees are playing. I am sick of Jeter and Rivera and A-Rod and Tiexeira and Pettite.
I don't care if Chen Ming Wong is struggling and getting pounded every night. I don't care if Joba Chamberlain is a starter or a reliever. I don't care who is playing in center field.
I am sick of seeing the Yankees play in meaningless games. I am sick of MLB Network cutting to Yankees games when the evil empire are ahead 12-2 just to we can see Philip Hughes walk somebody.
So, dear Mr. Nielsen, please sign me up to do your television ratings, because I'll put reruns of "The Gong Show" and Anna Nichole Smith's reality show ahead of any game involving the Yankees.

1 comment:

David said...

Mr. Nielson,

Also please add the Red Sox to your list. Apparently ESPN thinks that the whole nation is as swept up in the Red Sox - Yankees rivalry as they are.