Monday, July 16, 2007

Inventory issues

Sorry if I am loading up with too much long stuff. I am clearning up the inventory of stuff I had that I felt needed an audience. I'll try to mis it up and post some shorter, silly stuff in the near future.

I only have a few more inventory items that I can post. I am trying to pick things that either aren't terribly timely or are interesting even if dated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just read through your blog
The cat is still a chesire cat.

The Fantastic Four and Transformer movies were awful scripts and acting wrapped around serious themes. I wonder if this was an intentional statement on the part of the writers and directors.

In no way should John Byrnes be associated with the Fantastic Four movie.

Seneca County is in much greater need of new school buildings, especially older elementary buildings, than a new courthouse. How about the county providing money to school boards to replace aging buildings and then giving the older buildings to the court to establish a circuit court? The Senceca County Jail is a much newer facility than some schools.
Maybe the court can just rent the old Wal-mart or Kroger buildings or take a block of empty downtown space or the old hospital once the new one is completed.

There was an article in Popular Mechanics about Blade Runner last month. I did not see A Scanner Darkly. The animation looked stupid. The story has been used many times and is a good one. Through the looking glass.
