Monday, July 16, 2007

If this be ... BLOG!!!

So, I just hadda ask myself: What would I blog about if I had a blog?
I tried to start one once, you know. I even had a Web address and everything. The problem was, the site wouldn’t let me in to update it. (And, I have to update immediately after I post, because that’s when I always find the typos. Typos, incidentally, were always the first thing I always found upon opening the morning edition of the newspaper with a story by me.)
So, what can I blog about?
Comic books? An easy natural subject for me.
Movies? Maybe sometimes.
Music? I like listening, but I doubt I have a deep enough knowledge of the subject to be interesting.
Random things that come into my head? Maybe, but I absolutely hate reading random things typographically vomited upon a page because the writer can’t think of anything better.
Politics? Nah. I can make fun of politicians, but who am I to opine of George Bush’s immigration policy or debate intellectually whether John Kerry or Mitt Romney or a spawning salmon is a bigger flip-flopper? (I’d probably vote for the salmon, but Romney is catching up fast.)
My perspective on life? It’s too easy: Always take the way out of the building that allows you to drink from the most water fountains.
Strange things that happen to me? It would offer a wealth of material, but I’d have to vet it carefully to make sure I wasn’t descending into minutiae. (I cut myself shaving today used to be my running joke. I don’t want it to be a daily blog entry.)

The best blog I have read is Mark Evanier’s. ( He talks about comics, Hollywood, creative people, politics (a little), television, and things that happen to him. That’s what I’d like to do, to be honest. But, he’s already doing it. All I could do, really, is copy what he does poorly.
I have tried to read other blogs, some even by people I know. Some of them aren’t updated enough. Some are just boring. The fake “Planet Tad” blog in MAD is pretty funny, though.
The trouble is: Who will read the darn thing? People I know? Well, then, that’s one audience and one set of expectations. People I don’t know? Then, that would free me up to re-invent whatever crap I want to. (Sort of like the Beatles suddenly becoming Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.)
By the way, I am getting so sick of people who spend all their time making pop culture references. I just made one there, didn’t I? The point in making them is they have to be a. relevant, b. general enough so most people get them and c. enlightening, or d. funny. The fourth option cannot happen without the second. See, if I type the words, “The jolly, candy-like button,” a bunch of people will laugh their butts off. But, people who have not watched that episode of that show will have to clue what that means. So, I should strive to avoid too many obscure, look-how-smart-I-am pop culture references. (This paragraph’s possible titles: “Why Dennis Miller Sucked on Monday Night Football,” or, “I Was Ready for Some Football.”)
I really don’t want to begin too many blog entries with “I’m so sick of …” If I don’t pick something worth picking on, who really cares, anyway?
I’d love to blog about life in Tiffin or Fostoria, Ohio, but I don’t live there any more, and I’d hate to offend people most of the rest of my family have to live with.
(If you really must know, I say rip down the Seneca County Courthouse, and replace it with a replica of the Ohio State House. How to pay for it? Use the Way-Back Machine at the Seneca County Museum to go back in time and drill for oil in 1840 in Jackson Township. Bring back the oil, and at $75 a barrel, it will only take about 500,000 barrels or so to pay for a really nice courthouse.)
So, I guess if I had a blog, this would be about what it would be like. Hopefully, with more coherent, longer entries about some subjects and some short-quick-hitting things that pop into my head.
It might be fun to write – and to read – at that.

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