Sunday, March 29, 2009

How to recession-proof your budget!

Here's how: Be filthy, stinking rich to start with.
Or, you can join what seems to be a growing trend: Start a Web site full of common-sense advice about how to make scads of money during economic hard times.
Why did I post this? Apparently, blogs about personal finances are getting a lot of attention. And, while we are at it, take a look at this list of Web sites devoted to the subject.
I have no clue what, if any, of this stuff has any value, but I'd say if you want to start a new business, make sure it has something to do with making money during a recession.
However, when the recession is over, you'll have to change it to something like, "How to make money in a recovering economy." Frankly, you can probably even use the same advice. Good money management is good money management, no matter how much you have.
Let's see if I get more hits just by mentioning the topic. Heh.

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