One of the most unique characters in comics history returns to DC tomorrow, namely Ambush Bug.
Keith Giffen's creation got his start annoying Superman, then starred in a couple of limited series and specials back in the 1980s. I happen to have somehow identified as funny and bought these comics as a teenager.
Ambush Bug is unique because he's the only character in the DC universe who knows he's in a comic book.
Most of his appearances were parodies of various comics or creators. Some of the jokes were so subtle I didn't even get them unit much later. Other things, well, they were completely over the top. Especially absurd was the Bug's sidekick, a stuffed toy named "Cheeks, The Toy Wonder."
Another running joke in one aeries was Darkseid making a sudden appearance at the end of every issue, seemingly threatening our hero. The next issue left off with no mention about what had happened. Finally, it was revealed that the Darkseid the Bug had been seeing was an inflatable doll. (I have no idea what a person would be doing with an inflatable doll.) (You sicko you.)
And who could forget "Quantis, the Killer Koala?"
The comic was so funny because of the constant reference to obscure DC characters and nit-picky continuity points. Because Ambush Bug knew he was in a comic book, he was in a perfect position to not only meet these characters, but make fun of them, too. These teenety-weeney continuity details now are things fans obsess over, and so there may be even more fertile ground for Giffen and Fleming to mine for jokes than there used to be. For that matter, there's something like 20 more years worth of stories to make fun of. (Of which to make fun?)
Here's a list that tells about various Ambush Bug appearances.
And, here's what DC tells us about the new series:
Written by Keith Giffen and Robert Loren Fleming; Art by Giffen and Al Milgrom; Cover by J.H. Williams III; Variant Cover by Giffen
The wait is over — everyone's favorite Bug is back, courtesy of the original AMBUSH BUG team of Keith Giffen and Robert Loren Fleming! Cities will be destroyed! Cats and dogs will live in sin! Every unanswered question of the DC Universe will be answered! Live heroes will die and dead heroes will live! Okay, none of that actually happens, but join us anyway for this totally irreverent romp through the DC Universe as only Ambush Bug could give you!
All this and a cover by the immortal J.H. Williams III? If it fails to show up at the comic shop tomorrow, I'll cry.
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