Thursday, July 10, 2008

The best video I barely understand

One semester of college German leaves me nearly functionally illiterate in German. When I went to Germany in 2005, I was amazed when I understood a few single words, like after I paid for my food at Burger King and the girl at the register said, "Danke."

On that little trip, I spent a lot of time on the night shift watching MTV Pop, which is some kind of German MTV. A lot of time.

This video was in heavy rotation and, no matter how much I saw it, it fascinated me. It's a lot like the really old pre-music-video video of Bob Dylan flipping the little signs with words from "Subterranean Homesick Blues.". This is slightly different approach than that, using backwards and forwards photography. It looks like it may have been shot in one take, but maybe not. I think the fellow who choreographed it deserves some kind of award.

At any rate, here's my favorite German band, Wir Sind Helden, and their video for "Nur ein Wort."

I just watched it again. Man, that's just mesmerizing. I better quit now or I'll never go to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What? No Crazy Frog or whatever the heck that was?