Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brrrr ...

This morning when I got up, Hallie had the oven set at 250 degrees and wide open.
Needless to say, our downstairs doesn't have any heat.
The heat pump serving the ground floor of our palatial estate was over 20 years old and gave out the other night.
Thank Heaven for zoned heating, because the upstairs is still warm.
Also, thank goodness for fireplaces. Our fireplace has been keeping the downstairs family room and kitchen warm.
Sadly, however, this computer at which I am furiously typing is not upstairs and on the other side of the house from the fireplace. So I can't sit here and blog too long without being cold.
Hopefully, we may get the heat fixed tomorrow. Apparently, our landlords will have to put in a whole new heat pump for the downstairs.
I asked myself why doesn't this happen when it's warm outside? The answer: because you don't use the heater when it's warm. Even if it is broken, you'd never know.

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