Sunday, October 19, 2008


This really surprised me.
After reading the article, I can't disagree with anything Colin Powell said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Colin Powell did pretty much say it all and very well.

And the Supreme Court upheld new registrations in Ohio, essentially ending Republican legal challenges to new voters

The Republican Party may not survive this election cycle as third parties become stronger and members desert the party for the same reasons Powell has done for this election.

There is the somewhat disconcerting notion of political movements being formed to express some of the more ignorant,hateful, reactionary ideas and voters that the Republicans have tried to develop and court, eventually spawning political movements to support them.

One hundred thousand people in St. Louis for an Obama rally. It is somewhat alarming the power Obama will have as President to sidestep Congress and address the people. More alarming are people's desire for certain aspects of such charismatic leadership.

I have serious concerns about Obama's foreign policy and his support of the bailout. Overall, he he appears to be a compromiser and a noninterventionist. He may be too closely tied with elites in business and politics, he did go to an Ivy League school afterall. He places too much emphasis on governmental program solutions.

McCain will not win more than four or five states. He will be gracious in defeat one hopes. If he is not, history will mark his candidacy as creating much of the future divisive political movements and with the final decline of the Republican party.

Obama, Nader, or McKinney (Green party more than McKinney herself) would make excellent choices for President. The Libertarian party is growing steadily, but it is lacking in creativity as far as governing. The Republican candidate has proven he should not lead as shown by his campaign.
I disagreed with Powell that Mcain would make a good President. I soured on him several years as he increasingly showed he is an elitist, and also arrogant, politician.

from Fostoria McDonald's