Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Some words from Ray Bradbury

Here's a really nice story about Ray Bradbury's appearance at the Baltimore comic convention. i wish I had been there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the more interesting things about Bradbury is he never drove a car. Also Isaac Asimov did not fly or drive very often it would seem either. Asimov adjusted late in his career to a computer over a typewriter and used the U.S. Post, return mail from his address, to communicate with people, including fans.
Charles Laughton was a great actor.
I think the only film I have he is in is Spartacus (given to me on videotape).
I have a newer copy of Fahrenheit and several Bradbury stories among science fiction collections and older books.
Its not that a science fiction writer is not writer, but I always viewed Bradbury as a writer who wrote science fiction. He is not bound by genre.