On Oct. 29, the first issue of this series, "Legion of the Supernatural," is supposed to hit comic book stores. Seems like perfect timing, just two days before Halloween.
In case you don't want to click on that link, here's a few key sentences from Newsarama.com:
The upcoming series Legion of the Supernatural from IDW finds writer Rick Remender and artist Bret Blevins taking a motley assortment of monsters and putting them into a more heroic spotlight as they emerge as the last line of defense against an invading army of "starving inter-dimensional vampires". That's right, "starving inter-dimensional vampires" – Rick told us that himself.
Brat Blevins is a fantastic artist, and I am going to be there for the first issue. After that, I have no idea.
Blevins is heavily involved in the creation of the how-to magazine called "Draw!" He has contributed a lot of really interesting articles on figure drawing, among other things. Knowing a little bit about the way he works and thinks, I'm hoping I'll appreciate the new comic.
I don't know the first thing about the series' writer.
As a side-note, if you go look at the site for the comics company IDW Publishing, which is publishing "Legion of the Supernatural," you'll see the company has some of comics top talents. This includes John Byrne and Peter David. They making some top flight comics.
Byrne is getting to play in the Star Trek universe, and David's creator-owned "Fallen Angel" series is about to be joined by a comic version of the hero of his novels, Sir Apropos of Nothing, in a new series.
They also published a detective comic book, "Dead She Said," drawn by Bernie Wrightson and a pair of biographies about the presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama.
IDW is relatively new to the comics publishing scene, but it the company seems to have a lot of creative energy. At least, they are keeping me interested in what they are publishing.
(Boy, was that post link heavy. I guess it will give you lots of things to look at if you are reading this because you are bored.)
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