Sunday, October 5, 2008

Invisible Hands Part 3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you work for a non-government employer every dollar of social security and medicare tax provided a whopping 500 percent return over the past five years plus the return on treasury notes invested in by social security. Every dollar invested in the S and P 500 index returned 20 percent, before Monday's meltdown, over the same time period with all capital gains and interest reinvested.
The social sec administration assumes soc sec is 40 percent of retirement and a person needs 70 percent of pre-retirement income to retire
The company match of social security is very important.
A modest rais in taxes of five to seven percent matched by employers would secure retirement for the majority of workers.
Its time the government places private, public, and the self-employed within social security to protect them against financial troubles like the last month.

Treas Sec Paulson made between 700 and 800 million as the head of Goldman Sachs. He and the corporate CEO's like him could easily come up with 700 billion or the few trillions needed to bail out wall street.
But there is a productivity problem and socio-econ problems as well, that financial solutions cannot so easily solve

The Browns are still awful.